Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Paul's Korean Adventure, part 3

Hey everyone, here is Paul's update #3. The kids and I had a long day today, I drove out and did my fieldwork while the kids were at school, and then we had lots of homework when we all got home. I am seriously looking forward to graduation so that I am not doing my own homework so much as helping with the kid's homework in the future!!!  

- Catherine

Korean Trip Log:  Day 3

So, today was not the most exciting of the days as far as the things I got to do with my day or see (except for the morning, lunch-time, and evening chats with my sweetie--thanks Cath!).  I had a pretty full work day, and after subtracting an hour I took for lunch, I still put in over 9 hours of actual work time, so I guess I earned my keep for the day.

Instead of taking the lunch bus to the dining facility near the base gym today, I walked over to the dining facility near the housing towers so I could snap a couple of photos of the housing tower we would be likely to live in if we get stationed here.  Here is a picture of Jirisan Tower from the Northeast corner (near the Officer's Club parking lot.)

And here's another photo of part of the building where we can see the distinct change from 4 bedroom units (on the first 6 floors) to 3 bedroom units above that.

After snapping these photos I walked over to the base library and community center to use the internet to check e-mails and check on my PCS (permanent change of station) orders....nothing in the system yet. :-(  Then I got to call and talk to Cath before she went to bed. :-)

The rest of the afternoon and evening was spent working and doing some training for my role in the upcoming exercise.  I did, however, happen to take one more photo worth's a Korean Danger sign posted at a construction site near the building where I've been working these past few days.

I really liked the cartoon of the construction man on the sign.  I've got to ask Cath, Isaac, and Emmie to tell me there memory devises for remembering these new words (and then I've got to find someone who can speak English and Korean to tell me how to say these Hungal symbols (proving to be a little difficult).

(We came up with a dangerous man with stick hitting a fish wearing a hat as it jumps out of a bowl.)

Well, jet lag has caught up to me with full force, so I'm going to head to bed now.


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